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AI-Powered Symptom and Diagnosis Guidance

Build an application that allows patients to describe their symptoms and receive preliminary medical advice from an AI-powered chatbot. This app should offer quick responses and help users decide if they need to seek in-person medical care.

  1. Users should be able to input their symptoms and receive AI-generated responses.
  2. Create a system that offers easy navigation and an intuitive chatbot interface.
  3. Develop a user-friendly platform that provides valuable medical information.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Figma (Optional): Provide a link to your Figma design / prototype for your project.
  2. GitHub Repository: Provide the link to your GitHub repository containing all the relevant source code and project files.
  3. Deployed Link: Share the link to the deployed version of your project. For web applications, consider hosting on platforms like Netlify or Heroku. If it's a mobile app, upload the APK to Google Drive and provide a public link.
  4. Walkthrough/Presentation: Create a concise 2 to 5-minute maximum screen recording. Walk through key features, functionalities, and any unique aspects of your project. Clearly articulate how users can interact with and benefit from your solution. Ensure your presentation covers essential details without exceeding the time limit.

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Suggested Approach

Day 1 - 2: Conceptualization & Design

Product Manager, AI/ ML Specialists & Product Designer:
  • Define user flows for inputting symptoms and receiving AI-generated responses.
  • Design an intuitive and user-friendly platform for easy navigation.
  • Define project scope and objectives clearly.
  • Identify key AI functionalities needed: NLP for chat, data analysis for market insights, algorithms for weather and pest predictions.

Day 3 - 4: Development & Testing

  • Develop an intuitive and accessible user interface for symptom input and chatbot interaction.
  • Implement features for AI-generated responses.
  • Leverage the ChatGPT API for efficient chatbot functionality.
  • Create a backend system for managing user inputs and responses.

Day 5 - 6: Refinement, User Feedback Integration, & Presentation

All Team Members:
  • Integrate user feedback mechanisms for usability improvements.
  • Conduct extensive testing for reliability and ease of use.
  • Finalize the application, focusing on simplicity, accuracy, and user satisfaction.
Prepare a Presentation:
  • Showcase the application's capabilities, emphasizing its potential to provide valuable medical advice and aid users in making informed decisions about seeking medical care.
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